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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

ASIENCE’s Restoration of 18-MEA

What is actually 18-MEA? It’s full name is Methyl Eicosanoic Acid. It can be found on the outer layer of our hair and functions to protect our hair and gives hair its smoothness and shine. 18-MEA is able to attach itself to damaged areas of our hair strand and restores the damaged surface.

ASIENCE focuses on the regenerating technology of 18-MEA. It simply means that the hair care products launched under ASIENCE aids in regenerating the amount of 18-MEA found on our hair’s outer layer. By restoring the amount of 18-MEA from time to time, our hair will no longer look dull and lifeless. ASIENCE products boasts a formula which consists ingredients like Pearl, Korean Ginseng, Soybean Essence, Camellia Oil Essence and Eucalyptus Essence.

Pearl and Soybean Essence (Repairing)
Korean Ginseng & Camellia Oil Essence (Moisturizing)
Eucalyptus Essence (Protecting)

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